Save-on-Foods Video Contest 2021: Officially Launched
Your club is invited to participate in the Western Canada 4-H Video Contest!
Who is eligible to participate?
The 4-H BC video contest is open to all registered 4-H BC clubs in good standing.
- Videos must be shot in in vertical format. Avoid cropping to tight.
- Use highest quality file your phone can capture. Do not use filters or colour modifications.
- Finished length of video is up to 90 seconds, supplied in a .mov or a .mp4 video file.
- Only one entry per club accepted.
- Your video should focus on one of the four Leadership Development Pillars:
- Community Engagement and Communications
- Science and Technology
- Environment and Healthy Living
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
- Submissions should highlight the diversity of the 4-H program rather than one specific project.
- 5 club videos will be selected by a 4-H BC judging committee. These video’s will be forwarded to Save-On-Foods to select the final grand prize winner.
- One grand prize will be awarded per province in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
- Submitted videos become the property of 4-H British Columbia for promotional use on social media and/or our website.
- Save-On-Foods will have the right to use the winning video for promotional purposes. A signed media release consent form will be required by all members who appear in the winning video. Click here for Save-on-Foods’ video release form.
- Deadline to submit is Midnight, May 31st, 2021. No late entries will be accepted.
- All submissions must be accompanied by a signed application form and waiver.
- Submitting your video confirms that you have read and agree to these terms.
*Please practice personal and COVID safety when taking your video and be aware of your surroundings at all times.
How to submit your video
- Please submit the attached registration page to
- Once you submit your registration you will be given a link to 4-H BC’s SmugMug page to upload your video.
- Please name your video file in the following format:
Club name_SOFvideo.mp4 PhotographyClub_SOFvideo.mp4